Lost Missions
Well like
movies, sometimes building a campaign you get missions that just don't fit
right. Originally The Cardassian War was to have 25 missions, later cut
down to 18, then 15. 15 missions were made, but 3 of them really didn't
fit. So they are available for download as "The Lost Missions.
The Fortol
A Cardassian attack on colonist on the border. This mission has you
tracking a group of galor's who are firing on civilians. |
mission was cut basically becuase it was, well boring. It plays a important
part in setting up the "Les Maquis" Campaig, but just doesn't
live up. It is mention in the briefing for DC9.
Bajorans are fleeing Cardassian space by the thousands. The Cardassian
would rather kill them, than let them flee the labor camps. You are
sent to escort them to safe territory. |
mission was cut because it was basically just DC7 redone. The Bajoran exodus
from Bajor is mentioned to maintain some continuity with TNG "Ro Laren".
Rising Sun (original)
The USS Unity is sent to escort Cardassian Dimplomats to a peace conference.
The Cardassian ship is destroyed by radical extremist who want the
war to continue. |
original version of the DC Final chapter.
This mission came out looking too much like STVI, so I rewrote it with a
time travel plot. Which is how most ST series end anyway.
of the Week |

Galorum Nor is destoryed