Tabitha Stewart
on the Starship Denver, Tabitha Stewart has no planet to call her
own. Her mother and father were both officers aboard the Denver.
Her Father was tactical officer while her mother was first officer.
Tabitha was made a crewman at the age of 11 by Captain Powell. At
17 she was accepted to Starfleet Academy.
During her freshman year she had a hard time adjusting to academy
life. She had lived her whole life onboard a starship, she was used
to order and procedure. There were very few children on the Denver,
and none her age. So when she entered the highly social Academy,
she felt out of place. Then she met a senior named John Summers.
They fell in love. They were forced to part when Summers was assigned
to the Enterprise C. They did not loose contact though, they wrote
and communicated as often as possible.
Stewart graduated top of her class. She was assigned to the USS
Excelsior, and commisioned as a Lt. She served as the ships navigator.
She rose through the ranks very quickly, in four years she was promoted
to Lt. Cmdr. With her growing reputation as a standout officer she
became a very sought after officer. She eventually was assigned
to the Federation Intellegence agency. She learned the tricks of
monitoring fleet movements and setting up informants. Eventually
she was given her own command, the USS Gemstar a brand new Excelsior
Class vessel. The Gemstar was assigned to outpost 305 on the Cardassian
border. |
of the Week |

Galorum Nor is destoryed